
The demand for organic and locally produced products is growing, and Werners Gourmetservice is keen, wherever possible, to contribute to a better environment at every stage in the chain. We work continuously on growing our range of organic, eco-labelled, and locally produced products, and expanding our organic and third party-certified range.

IP Livsmedel
Werners Gourmetservice is certified in accordance with the IP Livsmedel certification scheme. To be IP Livsmedel-certified, companies must have a comprehensive quality assurance programme that complies with both customer and official requirements, and the certification is a valuable testament to Werners’ impressive work with food safety, HACCP, hygiene, traceability, and labelling.

EU Organic
To bear the EU Organic logo, a product must have been grown without the use of artificial fertilisers, chemical pesticides, and genetically modified organisms. EU Organic farming uses organic seeds and varied crop rotation, and livestock must primarily be fed using organic fodder and must have access to the outdoors. Consumers buying EU Organic food in stores can be confident that the food conforms to the provisions of the EU regulation that mandates the ways in which production must be carried out, products labelled, and checks conducted. A company must, before it may sell EU Organic products, be checked and certified by a control body. Werners Gourmetservice complies with these requirements and holds an EU Organic certification.

KRAV is Sweden’s best known food ecolabelling system. The KRAV label shows that a product was produced on organic lines and complies with extra stringent requirements with regard to animal welfare, health, social responsibility, and climate impact. KRAV is organic – but that’s not all it is. KRAV means that animals live good lives, that crops are grown in an eco-friendly way without chemical pesticides or artificial fertilisers, that farmers have a decent working environment, and that the food produced contains no strange additives and has not been produced using GMO. The KRAV organisation develops its rules for KRAV-certified production and the control body carries out checks and certifies in line with KRAV’s rules.

A Fairtrade-labelled product complies with a long list of requirements in the commercial chain, based on international Fairtrade criteria for economic, social, and environmentally sustainable development. Fairtrade works to ensure that growers and employees, through their own efforts, can improve their living and working conditions. Fairtrade is an independent certification whose stated goal is to combat poverty and strengthen people’s influence and empowerment in order to bring about change and development. Fairtrade’s vision is of a global trading system with fair terms in which producers in countries where poverty is widespread have the ability to build a secure and sustainable environment for themselves, and in which they can develop and control their own futures.
Werners Gourmetservice AB – Environmental Policy
The company endeavours to minimise its environmental impact by actively seeking to identify alternative, more eco-friendly packaging materials and products based on ethical and eco-friendly production, by distancing itself from products that include, for example, threatened species of animals or plants, by coordinating transportation, by optimising its use of surplus energy, and, in the context of construction work and other investments, by identifying solutions that are advantageous in terms both of the environment and people’s health.
Examples include:
- Reusing packaging
- Using wheat and corn starch packing peanuts, not styrofoam
- Choosing producers whose production is environmentally focused and where Integrated Pest Management is a core element of production, or the production meets organic standards, or where the production method is clearly based on ethical and organic values
- Ensuring that materials used in construction projects do not contain phenols, adhesives, fungicides, etc.
- Avoiding products that use growth-stimulating substances such as hormones
- Coordinating transporter

illy and their sustainability work>>